Dear Students and Alumni,

Thank you for your participation in the surveys evaluating the School of Economics, Finance, and Accounting courses and service quality. You can access the survey result summary here. Your constructive feedback regarding lecturing, facilities, library services, and other aspects is highly appreciated. We have forwarded your feedback to the respective managers for necessary action. Any significant concerns regarding teaching quality will be addressed officially by the School Dean.

The interviews focused on a group of 15 senior students in the Finance and Banking Department, specifically those majoring in Corporate Finance and Banking, and Financial Investment. The majority of students in the Finance and Banking field prefer to specialize in Corporate Finance rather than Banking and Financial Investment due to the limited subjects related to the banking field in the current curriculum. Some students feel that the program at IU lacks depth compared to other universities in Vietnam. While students studying Financial Investment feel adequately prepared for job applications, those in the Banking specialization feel a lack of supplementary knowledge. When asked about separating Banking and Financial Investment into two fields, 80% of students agree with the idea, while 20% prefer to keep the specialization intact for a comprehensive knowledge base.


Course evaluation:


Gp1: Course Planning and Implementation

Gp2: Teaching and Learning Methods

Gp3: Students Assessment

Gp4: Conditions of Supporting

Gp5: General Evaluation

Gp6: Classroom and equipment: Evaluation from students joining classes held in traditional classroom learning only

Gp7: Evaluation from students joining classes held in online classrooms only


1: Poor 2: Fair 3: Good 4: Very Good 5: Excellent

Service quality:


Gp1. Office of Academic Affairs

Gp2. Office of International Academic Collaboration

Gp3. Office of Student Services

Gp4. Office of External & Public Relations

Gp5. Office of Research & Development

Gp6. Office of Finance & Planning

Gp7. Library

Gp8. Office of Information Services

Gp9. Office of Quality Assurance & Testing

Gp10. Health Department

Gp11. Office of Facility Development

Gp12. Canteen Management

Gp13. Center for Innovation & Technology Transfer

Gp14. Staff

Gp15. General Evaluation of Service Quality at IU


1: Poor 2: Fair 3: Good 4: Very Good 5: Excellent

Alumni survey:

Gp1. Continue Studying after Graduation

Gp2. Employment Situation

Gp3. Assessing your Ability/Competency acquired after Graduation

Gp4. Assessing IU’s Training Program

Gp5. Career Orientation

Pass rate: Percentage of Alumni rated above 3 for the criteria


Exit survey:


Gp1. Course Objective and Contents

Gp2. Teaching Activities

Gp3. Organize Training and Student Assessment

Gp4. Materials and Facilities for Studying

Gp5. Student Support and Counseling

Gp6. Perception of Program Learning Outcomes

Gp7. Connecting and Serving the Community

Gp8. Occupational Situation


1: Poor 2: Fair 3: Good 4: Very Good 5: Excellent