HKU Experience Day 2024
HKU Experience Day 2024 – Educational Exploration and Discovery at HKU Business School
The Experience Day is not just an informational event but an opportunity to directly experience the outstanding academic programmes at HKU Business School.
+ Real Learning Experience: Engage in high-quality lectures taught by top professors. Enjoy the dynamic and innovative atmosphere in each class.
+ Opportunity to Meet and Chat: Interact with Senior Executive Director, Professors, and current students to gain a deeper understanding of the academic community and learning environment at the school.
+ Discussion and Exchange of Ideas: An open space for discussions, questions, and idea exchange to create an interactive and effective learning experience.
Join HKU Experience Day and immerse yourself in the richness and depth of the learning experience through these exciting activities.
The event will take place from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM on January 6, 2024, at Bitexco Financial Tower, welcoming all young individuals aspiring to pursue education at the global financial center of Hong Kong.Register here: https://hku-vn.link/HKUExperienceDay-060124