Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong

Head of External & Public Relations
School of Economics, Finance, and Accounting
- PhD in Development Administration, NIDA
- Master of MTESOL, Victoria University
- Bachelor of Interpretation
- Bachelor of Political Science
- Economic Behavior/ Organizational Behavior
- Entrepreneur innovation and creativity
- Startup Behavior
- Corporate Strategy
- Strategy formulation and Implementation
- Business Methods
- Business Research Method
- Economic theory in public management
- Organizational Behavior
- Pham Tan Nhat, Tran Hoang Tuan, Le Dinh Minh Tri, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong, Muhammad Usman, Gleriani Torres Carbone Ferreira: Socially responsible human resources management and employee retention: The roles of shared value, relationship satisfaction, and servant leadership. Journal of Cleaner Production : Published online (June 2023).
- Nguyen The Khai, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong, Long Thang Van Nguyen, Rajkishore Nayak, Thang Quyet Nguyen: The Practice of Sustainable Fashion of Luxury Boutique Fashion Brands in Vietnam: What go right, and what go wrong. PLoS ONE : Accepted (June 2023).
- Le Dang Lang, Abhishek Behl, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong, Jighyasu Gaur, Nguyen Tien Dzung: Toward SME digital transformation in the supply chain context: the role of structural social and human capital. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management : Published online (December 2022).
- Ha Minh Tri, Vo Thi Kim Ngan, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong: Greenwash and green brand equity: The mediating role of green brand image, green satisfaction and green trust and the moderating role of information and knowledge. Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility : Published online (July 2022).
- Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong, Mai Ngoc Khuong, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong: Alliance Management Practices for Higher Trust, Commitment and Inter-Organizational Relationship Performance: Evidence from Travel Companies in Vietnam. Sustainability : Published online (August 2021).
- Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong, Mai Ngoc Khuong, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong: Alliance Management Practices for Higher Trust, Commitment and Inter-Organizational Relationship Performance: Evidence from Travel Companies in Vietnam. Sustainability : Published online (August 2021).
- Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong, Mai Ngoc Khuong, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong: Alliance Management Practices for Higher Trust, Commitment and Inter-Organizational Relationship Performance: Evidence from Travel Companies in Vietnam. Sustainability : Published online (August 2021).
- Long Thang Nguyen Van, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong, Thang Nguyen Quyet, Khai The Nguyen: Employee engagement in brand value co-creation: An empirical study of Vietnamese boutique hotels. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management : Accepted (May 2021).
- Mai Ngoc Khuong, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong, Phuong Thi Minh Nguyen: International tourists’ loyalty to Ho Chi Minh City destination – A mediation analysis of perceived service quality and perceived value. Sustainability 11(19): 5447 (October 2019).
- Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong, Le Nguyen Thanh Dong: Understanding Organizational Citizenship Behaviour through Organizational Justice and its Consequences among Vietnamese’s Universities Employees. Emerging Science Journal 7: 93-110 (May 2023).
- Mai Ngoc Khuong, Pham Dang Tuan, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong: The effects of analytical and holistic reasoning perspective on innovation and business performance, a study of state own, FDI and private company in Vietnam. Cogent Business & Management : Published online (April 2023).
- Huynh Huu Phuoc Tho, Bui Quang Thong, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong: How to foster the commitment level of managers? Exploring the role of moderators on the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment: A study of educational managers in Vietnam. Frontiers in Education : Published online (March 2023).
- Le Dinh Minh Tri, Nguyen Thanh Tan, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong, Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang: The Distribution of Information Sources within the University Selection Decision-Making Process: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Distribution Science 20(11): 89-98 (December 2022).
- Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong, Vi Dieu Tran, Dong Nguyen-Thanh Le: Does Organizational Citizenship Behavior Predict Organizational Commitment of Employees in Higher Education Institutions?. Frontiers in Education : Accepted (July 2022).
- Le Dinh Minh Tri, Le Doan Kim Linh, Phan Vu Diem Quynh, Tran Tien Khoa, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong: Participating anonymous online student communities and university brand relationship outcomes. Cogent Business & Management : Published online (July 2021).
- Ha Nam Khanh Giao, Bui Nhat Vuong, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong, Ngo Tan Dat: A model of factors affecting domestic tourist satisfaction on eco-tourism service quality in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites : Published online (June 2021).
- Mai Ngoc Khuong, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong, Nguyen Khoa Truong An, Tran Minh Ngoc: The effects of managerial perceptions on csr practices and corporate financial performance: An evidence from Vietnam. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues : Published online (September 2020).
- Bui Nhat VUONG, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong, Dao Duy HUAN, Tran Nhu QUAN: . A Model of Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Intention among Information Technology Students in Vietnam. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 7(8): 461-472 (August 2020).
- Le Dinh Minh Tri, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong, Tai Anh Kieu: Ethical Consumption in Vietnam: An Analysis of Generational Cohorts and Gender. Journal of Distribution Science 18(7): 37-48 (August 2020).
- Le Nguyen Thanh Dong, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong: Organizational Justice, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Higher Education Institutions: A Research Proposition in Vietnam. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 5(3): 113-119 (September 2018).
- Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong, Mai Ngoc Khuong, Le Huu Phuc, Le Nguyen Thanh Dong: The Effect of Two-Dimensional Factor on Municipal Civil Servants’ Job Satisfaction and Public Policy Implications. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 5(3): 133-142 (September 2018).
- Phuong Ngoc-Duy Nguyen, Hong Huan Nguyen (2024). Unveiling the link between digital entrepreneurship education and intention among university students in an emerging economy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 30, 123330.
- Phuong Ngoc-Duy Nguyen, Hong Huan Nguyen (2024). Examining the role of family in shaping digital entrepreneurial intentions in emerging markets. Sage Open, 14(1), 1-19.
- Pham Khuong Thao, Nguyen Ngoc-Duy Phuong, Vu Truc Phuc, Nguyen Hong Huan (2024). Organizational commitment and its impact on employee performance in the water supply industry: Dataset from Vietnamese state-owned enterprises. Data in Brief, 52, 110029.
- Nguyen The Khai, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong, Tran Quoc Cuong, Do Thi Thanh Truc (2024). Green human resource management and employee pro-environmental behaviors: The role of individual green value. Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science, 14(2).
- Phuong Ngoc-Duy Nguyen, Khuong Ngoc Mai, Hang Thu Le (2023). Strategic perspectives, creativity, and financial performance in Vietnamese SMEs. Heliyon, 9, e20354.